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Interdisciplinary Option

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HIP implementations

YEE programs and the framework of the entrepreneurship process allow for natural interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary connections. Some schools have found this to be an advantageous point for implementation, connecting elective areas, subject areas, and domains.

One example in context for this type of implementation comes from a cross-grade, cross-subject secondary implementation. In this cohort, members from a year 10 society and culture class have connected with a year 11 business innovations class. As both globally-situated and product-oriented, this personalizable implementation capitalizes on the authentic connections between these two semester-long electives. Additionally, by integrating two different classes and levels, learners are exposed to and able to engage with an increased diversity of perspectives and experiences as they integrate culture and society into the nuances of enterprise development through the entrepreneurship process.

Outcomes from such interdisciplinary implementations include

  • Workers Deserve a Voice – development of a platform that brings together courses, resources, and training videos to support workers in seeking employment and addressing employment concerns. This product is also designed to be campaign-driven to maintain it long-term.
  • Reducing Stigma of Disabilities – in this space, the team leverages technology and digital platforms to address areas where those with disabilities are marginalized or excluded while also educating all on shifting perspectives and interacting in positive and inclusive spaces
  • Battling Period Poverty – this team starts with educating all on the issues around women’s health and the stigma that can be associated with natural processes, including some girls’ inability to access necessary hygiene products, who instead must stay home each month, missing school and opportunities to engage appropriately, or alternately, exposing themselves to unhealthy options. This team will also partner with corporations and the local mailing system to address needs in those areas most socially and economically impacted by these needs.

Connecting multiple classes may not always be feasible, but planning with those who develop schedules and simply asking can often make a huge difference in how such implementation can be successful. Additionally, the entrepreneurship process has space for connections across a variety of domains and YEE can help make those connections and develop your own interdisciplinary and personalizable web according to local contexts, needs, and suitability.

Year-long Option
Blue Ocean Waves